Life Style
A Guide On How To Prevent Eating Disorders

We believe that it is a widely established problem in today’s society, which, according to the data we have, tends to increase (the current prevalence is alarming).
Once the disorder develops (anorexia nervosa, bulimia, etc.) it can be treated effectively, although we believe that preventing eating disorders is the best option. This post, therefore, is aimed at fathers and mothers with a series of practical tips:
Tips to Prevent Eating Disorders
- The first tip to prevent eating disorders is to keep in mind that children learn by copying adults, so be careful with your concerns. If your children notice that you are always dieting and worrying about your weight or what you eat, they will do the same.
- Teach them, instead, to eat healthy to be healthy, not for physical appearance. You will have more strength, you will be more awake, and you will feel better. In those cases, consult a professional Granite Peaks Gastroenterology quickly.
- Do not make comments about others about weight, neither positive nor negative. This way you will be letting them know that weight is secondary. In addition, you will be promoting tolerance towards others, for this it will be important to tell them that people are very different (race, weight, height) and that they deserve the same respect and physical appearance is secondary, the most important thing is to know the inside of people.
- Do not use food as a reward or punishment, nor use it to regulate emotions, nor to exercise a certain control over their behavior. This could mean associating food with emotional states (to deal with sadness, anger, or good behavior…).
- Once again we highlight that it is relevant to establish an appropriate use of food, as a food source and not as a regulator of other aspects, as good advice to prevent eating disorders.
- Don’t tell them not to eat certain foods because they make them fat. It is better to tell them that these foods are not good for their health, or that if they eat those inappropriate products they will not be hungry at the meal, but whether it makes them fat or not is a very simple and ambiguous argument, they must be given much more information.
- A good relationship with food involves feeding when children are hungry, so they will be guided by their own needs. If they are not hungry, do not force them. Now, they must learn to eat all types of foods, so that they have a balanced diet, in the sense of healthy.
- As for the saturation of messages that come from the media, social networks, etc., try to downplay them. Convey to them that the important part of a person is inside, which is what defines them. A beautiful person internally radiates an energy that is transmitted to the outside.
- Something very valuable is promoting your self-esteem. Make them feel good about themselves, treat them with respect, without teasing and enhancing their abilities, talking to them often. Keep in mind that children will build their identity from the perception that we have of them. This way, we are also getting them to come to us when they have a problem in the future.
- Another important tip to prevent eating disorders is to talk to them frequently, trying to encourage their critical thinking, and their perception of things, in short, not to be guided by externally marked stereotypes and clichés.
- A particularly vulnerable sector in this regard is girls. Normally, they are very flattered by their physique compared to boys, who are valued more for their abilities. Therefore, try to value them for their ideas, behaviors, and personality, not for their physique. It detracts from anything that promotes the idea of women as objects. This will prevent eating disorders, in addition to other problems.
Finally, observe the first abnormal behaviors such as skipping meals, comments about physical appearance, withdrawing from friends, problems buying clothes, extreme diets or vomiting, and do not stop intervening early. This will help prevent the problem from getting worse.